Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

Don't worry, it's not (just) me only. Right?

The Face by House of Kybalion

Not everyone seems to enjoy the Zoom or Google Meet things. My daughter and I have the same behavior; we don't know how to enjoy Virtual Meeting or Video Call. Yes, we chat a lot, unstoppable in words but not by making calls or video calls. I know that's weird but I'm sure many people have the same attitude as us toward Virtual Meeting. 

Jumat, 08 Mei 2020

day 55

People dying.
People died. 
Several people that I know, dying and died.
But I keep staying at home and not really move a bit from it. Not even say hello to the mourners. 
I like the idea of staying at home as long as I can stay with books. I don't mind eating with Oat and Crackers. or just Papaya, Banana, and Tea. But what about the others. I don't care people call me asshole or jerks. I don't like meeting people that much. I only enjoy several people and enough for me to meet them Online. Offline cracks me down. 

now ... What about the Others. I mean, Even an Oat-Eater like me needs a job to fulfill offline and online life. Can we just go outside and being normal and survive in another way. like, always wear a mask and go to shower when we reach home. 

I gotta go to work ya know. I got to pay bills and ...many other things.

a Novel of Rumi

Once, someone introduced me to this novel: The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. The novel told us about one's life journey is not a straight toll road and free of obstacles. A toll road is artificial. A road should be bumpy ... going up and down and round and round;  a path that is misleading and entertaining with loneliness and being alone.  ... and this novel teaches me, when strangers approaching beautifully, accept them as your companion. You will find many things there. 

Kamis, 09 April 2020


Almost a month being stayed at home mom for a hundred percent, I mean I am really really stayed at home and homeschooling my children too. I'm okay with this, but I hate to see the upcoming event after the Coronavirus: Hunger. Yes, people with no job uncertain about their life and clueless with their vision and mission. This will be the next scary shit happen. 

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020

Echoes Beyond the Ether

I find myself wandering through the labyrinth of the online world—a place both alluring and infinite. It whispers promises of connection, knowledge, and control, yet I cannot help but feel its weight. The ethereal glow of screens blinds us to the richer hues of the world beyond, where laughter echoes unfiltered, and the earth itself hums beneath bare feet.

There is a subtle tragedy in this devotion to the digital, a quiet forfeiture of the serendipity found in the real. The online realm, for all its wonders, is a double-edged sword. It draws us close with its immediacy but keeps us at arm’s length from the raw, unguarded intimacy of the tangible. Convenience becomes a gilded cage, and within its bars, spontaneity withers.

I have stood at the threshold of this realm too long, watching as the internet transformed from a vibrant promise into an omnipresent tide. Its novelty, once electric, now seems dulled, leaving only a cacophony of noise—fractured truths, relentless distractions, and connections too brittle to hold any weight.

Perhaps this disquiet is the voice of my soul, calling me back to the tactile, the unpolished. To the rustling symphony of leaves stirred by an autumn breeze. To sunlight cascading through ancient windows, warming my skin like a secret whispered from the heavens. To moments of unspoken understanding shared in the spaces between words.

We were not meant to dwell in the digital night perpetually. There is power in stepping away, in touching the soil with reverence, in hearing the cadence of a loved one’s laughter unmediated by devices. Life, I am learning, is not lived entirely in code or pixels. It unfolds in the spaces where our hands meet the earth, where our voices carry into the air, and where silence binds us more deeply than any typed word ever could.

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2020

Menjadi minoritas di Indonesia

Karbala 2018 Saat Arbain

Timur Tengah kembali menyoroti IRAN dan IRAQ selepas syahidnya Qasim Sulaimani yang mana nama beliau tidak akan dikenal oleh Muslim Indonesia selain yang bermadzab Jafari atau yang concern dengan dunia Syiah Islam. Mungkin kalau nanya tentang Qasim Sulaimani ke Jamaah Tabligh mereka engga akan tahu -- dan itu ga papa; karena memang engga harus tahu, karena ini adalah pelajaran politik islam Luar Negeri atau Timur Tengah. Dan biasanya yang bermadzab Syiah (baik Imamiyah dan Ismaili) lebih peka dengan urusan Timur Tengah. Mengapa begitu? Jawaban mudahnya adalah karena kiblat pergerakan Mahdinya (terutama Syiah Imamiyah atau 12 Imam) berpusat di Iran dan Irak. Ulama-ulama dan marja yang dipegang lebih banyak di Iraq dan Iran. Pemimpin Hezbollahnya di Lebanon. Jadi, mau tidak mau pemahaman tentang dunia Arab dan Islam Timur Tengahnya cukup ter--uptodate. Ini alasan yang guampang dan sederhana. Yang rumit, engga usah kujelasin, malah pusing ntar. 

Bukannya aku underestimate misalnya, LDII atau Jamaah Tabligh atau umm jamaah MTA (kok ya aku nyebutnya mereka ya hahaha), tapi jelas mereka ga akan ambil pusing dengan rute najaf karbala atau perkembangan politik di Lebanon, atau bahkan engga sangka kalau ada keluarga nabi Muhammad SAW yang punya makam Haram di Suriah. Iya khan? Coba tanya aja, mereka tau engga dimana letak keluarga-keluarga nabi yang syahid semua itu dibantai dan dikuburkan. Pasti bingung jawabnya. Engga salah juga sih, pelajaran Tarikhnya dimodif sesuai pesanan mayoritas yang engga mau ruwet dan minoritas yang taqiyah.

Tapi dunia Islam, Timur Tengah, Palestine, dll itu engga akan lepas dari urusan perangnya Syiah melawan musuh bebuyutan mereka: para sultan dan raja lalim zalim yang akan selalu menghancurkan situs-situs suci peninggalan Nabi dan keluarga Nabi Muhammad SAW. Itu kalau Daesh ISIS ga dihajar ma askari-askari Syii, ya bakal masih ada ISIS yang hobinya meluluhlantahkan hal-hal yang berbau maulid eh sufistik. 

Sementara, di Indonesia sendiri, madzab ini engga bisa diterima sama sekali. MUI ga tegas, negara cuek, menteri agamanya santai. Padahal dimana-mana sudah dinyatakan kalau Syiah itu sebuah madzab. Tapi ya dasar memang Indonesia ini engga cukup toleran. Kebayang khan orang bisa ngadain Asyura di London dengan nyaman, tapi di  negara yang katanya muslimnya pualing buanyak, tapi galak-galak. Lihat orang Syiah solat di masjid aja direkam diviralkan dan divitnah-vitnah. Padahal bisa khan ya kalau penasaran nanya ke kita tentang solat kita ntar ya kita kasih tau kok beda dan samanya dimana dan mengapa bacaannya begitu. Sekalian diajak mikir dan baca ulang AlQuran jadi engga ngoceh yang engga2 kenapa orang Syiah 3 Waktu dan bukannya 5 Waktu. 

Syiah Sampang lebih dari 6 tahun menderita ya engga ada penyelesaian dari negara. Engga tau ya menteri agamanya ngapain sih ya sampai warganya mau beribadah dengan santai aja engga bisa. Ya engga penting sih ibadah ramerame di masjid atau mau adain acara di masjid ... tapi kalau tiap masuk Masjid kita dicurigain dan dipel lantai masjidnya setelah itu khan ya rada gimana. 2020 kok ya masih galakgalak napa sih? kurang ngopi dan nyufi deh kalian!